I wrote this and at the same time gave a friend full editorial license to use it as he pleased.
Have you noticed lately how Democrats are distancing themselves from Smirky? Normally, the ruling party likes to ride high in the saddle. They usually trumpet the legislative accomplishments of the in power administration, but it seems every out there, with the exception of one Senator has galloped straight away from old Smirksalot. Why would that be? Could it be that Smirky's agenda is so very unpopular with the electorate? My guess is that is the prime reason they have Smirkaphobia.
As Dick Morris pointed out recently "policy issues" have now been replaced with personal attacks. If any of the Smirkster's legislative agenda is discussed at all, it applies to issues so far off the charts that not even a remote radar station can find a blip. Their attacks seem to consist mainly of attacking any candidate who would care to examine the merits of social security privatization or maybe a bit of tax reform. Since Smirky doesn't have any viable answers, I reckon they feel safe on that ground. Both those subjects need addressing head on with good solid debate, not attacks. What we have now is broken so fixes should be discussed by all, not just Republicans.
Senator Russ Feingold, one of Smirksalot's head cheerleaders, is a prime example of why no one is beating the drum in the Smirky Band. The music is broken. Old Russ, the Smirkster defender, started running campaign ads raving about ObamaCare and guess what? You got it. He's now behind not by 8 points but by 12. Get the picture electorate? He's the only Democrat that has gone there while the rest of them skedaddled out of Dodge City at a furious pace.
Yes, for you Smirksalot banner wavers there has been change. Change but the worst sort but change none-the-less. His brand of change has consisted of a power grab for 1/6th of the US economy (the health care sector) and trying to solve our solvency problems using a "stimupork" fiasco thereby blurring the lines between the public and private sector (read that as the Smirky brand of socialism). Neither of those initiatives garner any support out their on the stump and these Democratic idiots know that. Not too many of Smirky's band (95% of them voted for his initiatives) want him anywhere near their campaigns. What a message to send huh? "We want at least a chance of winning President Smirksalot so stay AWAY, far AWAY.
On the Republican side, all they have to do is use the magic words - Stimulus, ObamaCare, TARP, Auto Bailouts - and voters close ranks with that party. Failure to gain popular support for one's initiatives is the hallmark of a competent President. Smirksalot, you ignored us then and seem to want to ignore us now. All we can ask is, "CAN YOU HEAR US NOW!" That will be quite appropriate to voice again now, on November 2nd and from now on out.
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