Monday, January 3, 2011

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Redirection of New Emails to Junk Mail

Ok, maybe it's me, but I've been noticing something a bit weird over the past month. That being, all of SodaHead and Blog emails are starting to be redirected to my junkmail folders. Maybe it's a "bug", I don't know. However, I highlight all of these folks as not being spam and redirect them back to the regular Inbox. But ... the next day, it happens again.

What's also weird is this happens across multiple email accounts. Are our IP addresses being targeted?

I even tried posting to a CNN article today; I logged in with a brief comment and then followed up with another about a page later. I got a popup saying my posting would have to be reviewed first before appearing within the comments. This was clean, especially considering all the crap already appearing and being repeated in the column. Yes, I wouldn't doubt that games are being played, but if so, we need to speak up with our legislators about violation of our free speech. 'nough said ...


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Outing The NewsVine Mole

Some readers will understand this without having to read much of it and others need to pay attention. At the end, I will identify the person who violated a large group's privacy while we were all members of a private group of "supposedly" conservative bloggers. How was this done? It was done by a person within the very core of the group. He was masquerading which continues to this day. I have asked for an explanation directly from this person. Such a simple question. How was it that so many of us were banned from a forum and one of the chief players in the group was allowed to remain? That is the question.

Another member and I formed the private group and I made the mistake of trusting the "mole" since I had known him before even meeting my blogging partner. We started two groups, one public and one private. I trusted this turd in a punch bowl. After the banning, I had information sent to me by several people that he was still on NewsVine. I had telephone conversations with the man where he outed himself and told me that he was still there. He had multiple identities during all the time he was on NV and Tyler was aware of that. He got suspended several times for just that infraction. Remember Madcow? So after being told this information about his continued presence there, I sat and waited knowing that eventually he'd out himself again.

It took a while but it happened and this is how it happened. He has been attacking my wife, The Frog Princess, incessantly lately, even after she asked him politely to stop. He refused and became more aggressive until finally she had to block him. Now Donna doesn't block too many people but she put one on him. She ultimately has blocked several of his "buddies" who don't know how to mind their own damned business. But he took it upon himself to come onto another user's article and attack both that user, my wife and myself. His attack was based upon that user posting the article just below this about Smirky. He had my permission to use my words as his own and he acknowledged who the author was in the text at the bottom. He also had contacted me and asked me to write a piece about Smirky which I honored. He asked me, not the other way around Mr. Mole.

Specifically the snitch said, "He (meaning me) was banned from another forum." That is true and it was bogus banning and water under the bridge. It was like reading some of that BS that Bob, the Knucklehead posts and Mom, the Idiot spouts. That got my wife's attention immediately because she was an innocent victim of this deception. They (NV) thought she was me and I was her. That's a stretch of anyone's imagination. Some of you have actually met Donna and know the two of us aren't the same. We're both intelligent, articulate people but she is Donna and I am Jim. When that was said, a question immediately came to mind. He failed to mention the fact that he was supposedly banned right along with the rest of us. A slip? Very because he wasn't booted with the rest of us.

I was pretty sure that eventually his over blown ego would trip him up and it has. He has continued to harass The Frog Princess. He has used different identities to circumvent her block. Hear that General? He has taken to posting innocuous articles smearing both her and me. It's called stalking, cyber bullying and harassment within a certain forum's TOU. That forum will not be used by me to out the idiot. That forum has nothing to do with this, though he seems to want to make some sort of stand there. So who is it? Who is the dirty, rotten, stinking snitch who was sending private emails to Calvin and Tyler at NewsVine?

I don't care whether you believe me or not. There are those who will read this that know what I am saying is spot on and true. There are those who will continue to slander me. I'll be this, that or the other but I don't care because the truth will set you free...

It was...


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Are Democrats Running From Smirksalot?

I wrote this and at the same time gave a friend full editorial license to use it as he pleased.

Have you noticed lately how Democrats are distancing themselves from Smirky? Normally, the ruling party likes to ride high in the saddle. They usually trumpet the legislative accomplishments of the in power administration, but it seems every out there, with the exception of one Senator has galloped straight away from old Smirksalot. Why would that be? Could it be that Smirky's agenda is so very unpopular with the electorate? My guess is that is the prime reason they have Smirkaphobia.

As Dick Morris pointed out recently "policy issues" have now been replaced with personal attacks. If any of the Smirkster's legislative agenda is discussed at all, it applies to issues so far off the charts that not even a remote radar station can find a blip. Their attacks seem to consist mainly of attacking any candidate who would care to examine the merits of social security privatization or maybe a bit of tax reform. Since Smirky doesn't have any viable answers, I reckon they feel safe on that ground. Both those subjects need addressing head on with good solid debate, not attacks. What we have now is broken so fixes should be discussed by all, not just Republicans.

Senator Russ Feingold, one of Smirksalot's head cheerleaders, is a prime example of why no one is beating the drum in the Smirky Band. The music is broken. Old Russ, the Smirkster defender, started running campaign ads raving about ObamaCare and guess what? You got it. He's now behind not by 8 points but by 12. Get the picture electorate? He's the only Democrat that has gone there while the rest of them skedaddled out of Dodge City at a furious pace.

Yes, for you Smirksalot banner wavers there has been change. Change but the worst sort but change none-the-less. His brand of change has consisted of a power grab for 1/6th of the US economy (the health care sector) and trying to solve our solvency problems using a "stimupork" fiasco thereby blurring the lines between the public and private sector (read that as the Smirky brand of socialism). Neither of those initiatives garner any support out their on the stump and these Democratic idiots know that. Not too many of Smirky's band (95% of them voted for his initiatives) want him anywhere near their campaigns. What a message to send huh? "We want at least a chance of winning President Smirksalot so stay AWAY, far AWAY.

On the Republican side, all they have to do is use the magic words - Stimulus, ObamaCare, TARP, Auto Bailouts - and voters close ranks with that party. Failure to gain popular support for one's initiatives is the hallmark of a competent President. Smirksalot, you ignored us then and seem to want to ignore us now. All we can ask is, "CAN YOU HEAR US NOW!" That will be quite appropriate to voice again now, on November 2nd and from now on out.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Iraq & the Modern World

George knows how to kick butt and include Obama's too!